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Org Structure

Organizational structure is the basis for business development and management control. It’s quite essential to integrate internal resources from the perspective of organizing framework to support decision making and achieve stated objectives.

The functional module of Organizational Structure is based on the group level and manages positions under each unit. Decision makers can design organizational structure of the future and view the historical to better establish strategic human resource plans by control the states of draft, publish and termination, as well as theorganizational structure snapshot.

Organizational Unit & Position Management

Support organizational unit management, such as add, modify and delete etc.

There are 3 states for organizational unit: draft, publish and termination.

Support setting supervisor position to each organizational unit to guarantee data accuracy.

Definable position structure to avoid mess data modification due to personnel changes.

Support query of organizational structure and position change history in historical data.

Organizational Structure Snapshot

Support definable organizational structure snapshot time, or manual settings.

Export historical organizational structure chart according to historical snapshot.

Organizational Structure Chart & Position Relationship Report Chart

Display job functions and personnel demands visually.

User can move or export the Organizational Structure Chart and Position Relationship Report Chart. Besides, the exported files could be imported to Visio for secondary changes.

The vacant positions can be identified by color in Position Relationship Report Chart.

Position Management

Org Structure Chart

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