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Recruitment Management

Employee recruitment is a very important part in enterprise human resource management, and a critical challenge facing by HR managers as well: how to gather recruitment requirements from departments effectively; how to cultivate and integrate multifold resources to manage recruitment channels; how to pick over and archive outstanding candidates' information file from huge numbers of resumes in an easy way; how to command every part of recruitment management process to allocate HR department human and material resources and budget reasonably,etc.

Recruitment Management module has integrated thousands of customers' implementation experience and requirements and assists to resolve various problems in enterprise recruitment management. It makes HR administrator's tasks in recruitment management easier including publishing recruitment information, reviewing resumes, establishing talents bank, managing interview, evaluating interview result, and managing recruitment resources, which helps achieve a general control of recruitment process.

Recruitment Requirement

Manage and inquire recruitment requirement, recruitment plan, publication, and recruitment result and recruitment history.

Manage position requirement and vacant numbers, input relative requirements for the position like degree, major, skills, etc which would directly generate into position requirement information.

Set permissions with recruitment information to ensure different HR rec.

Manage the publish channels and history.

Record the actual cost for recruitment activity.

Manage the numbers of interviewee during each period of interview process.

View applicants' information of each recruitment item.

Inquire recruitment history.

Talents Pool Management

Support batch import of HTML format resume from

Import qualified applicants' resume into enterprise's talents bank directly.

Support batch import of individual resume or zipped resumes.

Define resume template.

Support fuzzy searching of applicant information.

Support searching of applicant working experiences and responsibilities.

Export resumes from talents pool to Excel list.

Group email to selected applicants.

Interview management of current applicants.

View applicants' interview status and final result in talents bank.

Attach the original resume for further reference.

User-defined fields available for special interview requirement.

Turn suitable applicants into prearranged employee or formal employee directly.

Recruitment Channel

Define recruitment channels.

Manage contact info and contact record of recruitment channels.

Manage contracts with recruitment channels.

Recruitment Setup

Setup templates of email content.

Define and setup interview process and status.

Manage user-defined fields.

Define email signature.

Recruitment Media

Talent Pool Management

Talent Pool Management

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