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PLATINUM Brought to A Successful Close to 2016 HR TECH


2016 HR TECH held by HR Excellence Center came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai Four Seasons Hotel on April 20. The Conference attracted more than 600 senior HR technology experts from many top 500 global and domestic leading enterprises. As a leading domestic human resources management solutions provider, Platinum was invited to take participate in.

The senior product manager of Platinum shared the latest work idea and industry information with the participants. And also, they made detailed explanation of how to help the HR solve transactional problems with Platinum HRM solutions.

The new and old Platinum customers clustered around the booth to prove a lively exchange of forward looking ideas and the sharing of key expertise on the product optimization.

Being the largest and most influential HR membership organization, HR Excellence Center provides the participants a perfect platform to reach out the most emerging technologies. Together with industry colleagues, Platinum will be always committed to promoting the healthy and benign development of China's human resource management.

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